Now - we're an anthology and we crave variety so we will give you THREE possible reasons for our months of silence:
Reason the First
Psychedelic HQ was ravaged by plasma badgers.
Reason the Second
Our archives have been enveloped by a mysterious ham-scented vortex.
Reason the Third
Editor O has been doing archaeology and editor Geoffery is doing a masters.
ANY ONE OF THESE ARE LIKELY - but either way we've allowed the submissions pile to get larger than we'd like (all pending scripts will be dealt with ASAP). We've not updated this ol' blog for a big long while and we've not been coming out with regular teasers and noises as much as we normally would do. With a shaky wobbly half-confidence we snigger nervously and say "we're now at a point where we probably might be able to get moving again" as we dust off our Psychedelic rakes and prepare to clean away the leaves. The ... time leaves.
What have we been doing since we last hollered? Well - we were at the frosty ICE in Birmingham...

We launched Issue 4 at a very fun Melksham at the end of August which coincided with Editor Geoffery's birthday. THERE WAS MUCH CAKE.

And Issue 4 went on sale over at Comicsy and you can buy it RIGHT THIS SECOND BY CLICKING ON THIS SENTENCE!

We then brought Issue 4 to the gloriously indie Bristol Comic and Zine Fair at the beginning of October...

...and then rounded off our con year at the ever glorious Thought Bubble!

We were sat next to the fabulous folk of the Treehouse Comic - an indie anthology from Dundee and Facebook wizard Berkeley Mews who was super smashing and as charming as a bespectacled dog. Editor O will be writing up the experience for his regular column at Down the Tubes so keep your heads peeled for that one...

Finally above there we have another taster of Issue 4, "Assassin" by David Black and Paul Ridgon - a partially coloured sci-fi hitman story WITH A MASSIVE TWIST....
Keep your ear to the ground - things are afoot!
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