How art thou? It's very busy at here at Psychedelic HQ - our last call for scripts was reacted to with astonishing fervour and we've got a veritable digital pile to sift through. Also the sun brings out all the quantum bats - make of that what you will.
Pictured above is Excelsior - Bristol's premier independent comic shop. I've put in there a few copies of the Journal so if you fancy supporting the two of us then pop down there and give 'em yer pennies!
We got an absolutely smashing review from Andy Oliver over at Broken Frontier in the last fortnight. He had some lovely words to say and suffice to say, my firstborn's blood will be his to sup. If you know anyone who fancies giving us a review or you do drop us a line and I'll sort you out with a lovely free pdf AND THE BLOOD OF MY FUTURECHILDREN. Also a big whoop and whurl to aggregators ICN and ECBT2000AD for shouting out to the Journal over the last few weeks :D
Yes. There's a looming deadline. On July 1st we'll officially stop receiving scripts for Issue 3 of the Journal. HOWEVER there ARE only twelve pages left to fill. So, scripts are being processed chronologically (ironically maybe) - sooner y' send them the more likely they'll get in basically. BUT WORRY NOT time travel is the name of the game and all those that don't manage it will get wormholed forward to Issue 4.

Here's a look at a few more panels from Arran Frood & Steven Austin's "Is It Safe to Go Back" shared by Steve's Facebook page. It's a real stark and troubling gem this 'un - !
Finally here's a new teaser for "Stand and Relive Her" written by the glorious Greg Meldrum - who's batnad crazy scripts were in both Dr WTFs. Here he makes his Journal debut and it truly was worth the wait - illuminated by the peerless Bruno Stahl who also marks his first appearance with us in Issue 2. The man is a small press legend and my face actually fell off when I received the fully painted pages. I'm yet to find my face - this is really one to look forward to.
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