Thursday, 7 March 2013

Cardiff and Other Goings On

Here is me, editor O, unsuccessfully hiding behind the MASSIVE new Journal banner. It doesn't half honk of solvents, but that's what makes it so blummin magic. Half an hour hanging around it and the vortex begins to move...... believe me.

Here's a teaser for "Thinking Outside the Box" by Richard McAuliffe & Matt Herbert from Issue 1. Mr McAuliffe is the award-winning chap behind Everything Comes Back to 2000ad who gave us a lovely shout-out before Cardiff. He's turned out a dark dark dark dark tale for our first issue, beautifully illustrated by the ultra-talented Mr Herbert who's being wowing the living balls off of everybody with his recent turn on Shakara in the latest Zarjaz. Also his phenomenal sculptures need to be seen to be believed.

Talking of time travel (we sort of always are by default) here is a mouthwatering teaser for Issue 2 which is being beavered away on as we speak - this particular tale is by writer Mike Lynch & artist Ross Bampfylde. More as the year progresses - !!! Needless to say, if you liked issue 1, this one is twice as big and three times as bizarre...

Here's a bit of continuity cake for you - a pre-convention shot of the progression from Dr WTF 2011 to the first Journal. Dr WTF was the time lordy precursor to the Journal and now only exists digitally. Here's to further years!

The final teaser for the first Journal before it surfaced at Cardiff was this: "Were, Are, Shall Be" by Adam Page and Steven Denton. Mr Page is a writer who contributed to the last Dr WTF and the upcoming second Professor Elemental comic. Mr Denton is veritable small press icon, colourist extraordinaire and co-creator of the glorious Massacre for Boys. With this final teaser I'd also take this opportunity to thank lettering gods Dan Bell & Nikki Foxrobot for their invaluable assistance. The finished Journal would be nowt without them - !

Seen here braving the intoxicating bannerwaft is our glorious co-editor Geoffery Crescent and the stash. Cardiff was the perfect place to debut; being as it was incredibly intimate but very busy. Pretty much everyone who passed seemed intrigued and we sold a fair bit. Hats off to the organizers for making it such a positive con for our first! Also: THE AUTHORITIES GOT INVOLVED....

Judges Pal & Burdis were pretty close to confiscating our heady banner. What changed their minds? Well, I'm not saying "bribery" but it was pretty close. If we're not thrown in the cubes you can find the second ever Journal appearance at Demoncon5 in Maidstone - ;)

Oh... also...

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