To those waiting on script feedback and correspondence from us HOLD ON - Geoffery and I have just moved into a swanky new HQ structure. It's a hell of a thing. More... mushroom than building... it's hard to describe. But keep an eye out for a likeness of the new digs in future publications. Speaking of:
(edit: This is NOT the final art deadline for the Wild West issue, that is in 2016)
This does NOT count any edits that are done to submissions - so if you've got a script under consideration or mid-editing it's not in jeopardy. IF YE ARE ON THE CUSP of submitting then DO IT. DO IT NOW. Details here.
After this we will be accepting scripts for our 2017 issue only - the theme will be announced on September 1st on our FB and Twitter and then here. Then into the garden for the snakes alone to hear.
Next weekend is the wonderful Melksham Comic Con - a convention we always love doing and is this year sure to be an utter blast!

We were also treated in the last two months to some work-in-progress stuff from the last issue of the Time Travel Journal - notably from the brilliant Matt Herbert, whose art on a script from the glorious J.S. Adams is breathtaking.

Also in: two teasers from Issue 4 (still available to buy here - and there AREN'T MANY COPIES) - the first is "Time for Justice" a twisted tale about a time travel game show by Bristolian and New Scientist writer Arran Frood and painted by the superlative Bruno Stahl (whose glorious looking new book "The Hans" is on sale NOW) .
The second is "The Universal Market" - a glimpse at a shopping trip through time by whirling comics dervish Blas Bigatti and drawn by small press god David Broughton!