It's been a busy old time at Psychedelic HQ since the last blog - first off co-editor Geoffery and I have had a trans-dimensional plasma llama show up and well you can guess the rest #plasmallamaproblems - am I right?!

Here's Geoffery Crescent with Issue 5 which we debuted at the excellent 'n' friendly Birmingham Comics Festival last month. Lady Geoffery event went as far as to speak on her first panel about the issue and we had many chats with a multitude of grand folk. Special shout outs to our other favourite small press anthologies Futurequake & Disconnected Press as well as those bewildering types who do single story comics (IMAGINE!) Mr Vince Hunt, Mssrs Jasper Bark & Mick Trimble, Mr. Jim Alexander, Mr Sam Roads and a special hatdoff to premiere artists Matt Soffe (who did our first cover!) and the legendarily stealthy artist-of-mystery SKD. The biggest hurrahs and halloos have to be hollered for Mr Paul Birch & Mr Steve Tanner (of Time Bomb Comics) whose glorious heads and hard work we have to thank for the events cognition and organisation. We'll definitely return in 2016!
Our first teaser for Issue 5 is above - the brilliantly silly "Lunch Time" by Chris Cosentino & Andrew Scaife - Mr Cosentino is a completely new face in the Journal whereas Mr Scaife is an old hand having drawn "Karma Traveller" in Issue 1, "Why Hasn't Anyone Killed Hitler?" in Issue 2 and "Timeholes & Teaspsoons" in Issue 3 as well as lettering a fair chunk of our output. What ELSE can this Andrew character do?! Well - he can do a good line in hugely viral pixel art and also is known to reference Taylor Swift on occasion...

If that has got you hankering a slice of Issue 5 you can get ahold of the physical issue RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND on Comicsy -->
You'll notice that Issue 4 is still in our store as well but there are very limited numbers! Here are some new teasers for that rapidly-disappearing be-pterodactyl'd issue:

"The Ghost of Montague Hall" is a stunningly ghoulish tale written by Massacre for Boys legend Chris Denton and beautifully rendered in stunning detail by Ladies & Gentlemen fellow Jordan Collver...

"Mackerelman Meets the Lady of the Lake" is a tongue-in-cheek silver-age comics romp blending fightsy superheroics with Arthurian legend - ably written by Michael Norwitz and drawn by small press veteran Stephen Prestwood!
Finally we've already had two marvellous reviews for the fifth issue - one from prestigous comic website Bleeding Cool by Olly MacNamee:
...and the second from reviewking and nice fellow Steve Hargett: