Welcome to the future. Here at Psychedelic HQ we celebrated the new year with a quick jaunt back to 1014 and let me say... it was quite depressing. Sweyn Forkbeard the Danish king of England was dying and nobody was really in the mood to party. Oh well! Here's a round-up of the latest Journal news...

A new anthology has submerged seemingly since our last blog entry that is worth shouting about: 100% Biodegradable is a digital-only sci fi thing that is bi-monthly. They're looking for submissions - particularly artists, so click on the link back there and hurl them things. NOT BRICKS THOUGH. The first issue features Journal contributor Dave Thomson (PJOTT #1 - "The Clockwork Queen" written by J.S. Adams and another glorious story coming in PJOTT#3) - look at his cover. JUST LOOK AT IT.

You will have already seen this Issue 3 "Primitive Possibilities" teaser but I'm hauling back out for a stunning new point-of-interest - artist JT Pegg is now a bonafide 2000ad droid having created a Future Shock with writer Eddie Robson that appeared in Prog 1862 :D Blimey - !
Unfortunately with our vast collection of time-moving devices here at Psychedelic HQ we were still unable to book any spring conventions in time so for the near-completed Issue 3 there is going to be a rather special variation from our con-centric routine - A LAUNCH NIGHT IN BRISTOL ON MARCH 15th. So ... put that date in your diaries and keep an eye out for venue confirmation over on our Facebook page! :O Crikey it really is the future...

Talking of - what's more futuristic than DIGITAL COMICS?! 3D printing you say? Yes that's fairly futuristic. Anyway *ahem* ignoring that - ISSUE 2 is now available digitally for your mobile devices and Google glasses and tablets and projector hats. You can buy it on Comicsy for only £2 here.